In 1988, Dwight A. and his wife Deanne bought the farm from Russell and proceeded to expand the dairy to 150 milking cows. In 2012 the dairy portion of the farm was discontinued and the farm currently consists of 600 acres and a 150 head beef cattle herd. The current 6th generation, Darren and Kearstin run the farm alongside Dwight and Deanne. The family has always prided itself on producing a high quality product, no matter what that product is. The venture into growing high quality beef has allowed the Knapp Family to produce a locally grown product that people can enjoy and know where their food comes from! Not only does the family supply local beef to consumers, it has also expanded into supplying local restaurants with their products. Looking forward, the goal for the farm has changed very little from when it was founded in 1853; produce a high quality product!

The Knapp Family has been farming the fields of Ossian, NY for over 165 years. The farm was settled by brothers Harvey and Joel Knapp in 1853. It was originally timbered (as most of western NY was forest at that time) and from there they grew corn, beans, wheat and potatoes. They also raised cattle, sheep, chickens and pigs. Harvey and his son Isaac, expanded the farm to roughly 500 acres which includes where the current main farm is located. Isaac also served as town supervisor of Ossian and served a term as Sheriff of Livingston County in the early 1900’s. Isaac’s son Dwight H. and his wife Linda were the first to bring commercial dairy farming into the picture when they purchased 8 brown swiss cows from a farmer in Arkport, NY. Dwight was able to keep the farm going during the tough times of the Great Depression and as a result, his son Russell was able to come on board. Russell and his wife Eva expanded the dairy to 100 milking cows and also grew cash crops of corn, wheat, and oats.

Our cattle are raised in a clean, comfortable environment on a diet that ensures their health and well being. In turn, this attention to cow comfort creates a product that is high in quality. USDA grading of our products has produced consistent USDA Prime and Choice grades, the highest quality gradings beef producers can achieve. Our aim is to not only give our animals a comfortable existence but also provide a product that is high in quality for our customers at an affordable price!

We offer a choice of pick up at the farm or local delivery
Please contact us for more information